Tuesday, July 29, 2014

California 2014 Day 5

Snack at Monterey Harbour

Monterey Fisherman's Wharf

Historic Custom's House


This lot were VERY noisy and VERY smelly!

This fellow in particular

Seems as though he was Big Daddy trying to keep the girls in line...

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Next stop... a lifelong dream...

Jean Picard

They were VERY patient!

Jean and Ruth

After dragging myself away from the museum...

The famous 17 Mile Drive around the Monterey Peninsula

Golfing on the edge of a continent....

The iconic 250 year old weather beaten lone pine...

Next we head inland towards Yosemite...

Across the vast valley that grows a huge percentage of the US and Canada's fruits and vegetables....

Even wound up in a pistachio grove!

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