Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 8 - Siena

This is the day we rent a car to drive on our steam for 3 days .... was expecting a boring sounding Ford 'Ka'

At the time of booking, I asked about the Fiat 500 and was told it would cost an extra $160 so sadly I had declined.  Then, this little tiny black beauty was driven up to be ours  - Mum was beside herself thrilled, so much so she almost forgot how scared she was to drive a stick shift again after 25+ years!!!

Heading south on the A1

Decide to stop by Siena to see the famous Campo... 

Park beside the old city wall to avoid the dreaded ZTL - Zona Traffico Limitato in the old city core

We decide to make our way down this street ...

And lo and behold, what do we encounter?  A very loud and colourful band of drummers!

Our first view of Piazza del Campo

We decide this is a good spot for lunch ...

Someone is quite taken with some stuffed Tuscan pigs.....and thought her brother would like one too....

Oh my!  Look what we encountered walking back !!!!

Waiting for photographers sure is exasperating!!!

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