Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 6 - Morning in Murano

The breakfast room ....

View from the breakfast room ...

Breakfast partaker

For the TV Addicts - Patrick Jane in Venice

Vaporetto #7 to Murano


Murano Polizia

Museo del Vetro (Glass Museum)

Have to cross the canal to reach the museum

Bead display is very small and provides only a hint of the scope and impact of the remarkable trade in beads - hundreds of thousands of pounds of beads sent across the globe through the centuries and all handmade one by one on this tiny island in Laguna Veneta

A hole in the wall allowed a peep into a glass work factory

The hole in the wall

Gorgeous spot for a bite of lunch ... fanta and pizza!

Heading back to Venice on the vaporetto

Sights up the Canal Grande

It is impossible to stop taking photos

Kuwait Pavillion!  Not so strange given the Islamic influence on Venetian architecture!

Passing under the Rialto Bridge

Back 'home'

Venetian glass fountain pen from Murano - the perfect souvenir!

Can't stop hanging out the window to enjoy the view!  This is to the left.

This is the view straight ahead.

This is the view to the right!

The pen!

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